Computer mcq questions for competitive exams pdf with answers (Set-1).

Computer mcq questions for competitive exams pdf with answers (Set-1). Basic computer questions and answers pdf free download with answers. MCQ questions and answers on computer pdf free download. These questions are from previous years the question of WBSEDCL JOT (Junior Operator Technician cum Technical Assistant) shift 2 exam. This mock test and practice set cover a wide range of topics, including fundamental computer operations, hardware, software, networking, and more. Whether you are gearing up for government exams such as SSC CGL, CHSL, MTS, CPO, WBPSC exams, WBP exam, or railway exams like NTPC, or Group D, these resources will be invaluable in enhancing your knowledge and boosting your confidence.

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Computer mcq questions for competitive exams pdf with answers

Computer mcq questions for competitive exams pdf with answers (Set-1)

MCQ Question

Q1. Which of the following keyboard shortcuts is used to make text superscript in Microsoft Word 2019?

1. Ctrl+=

2. Ctrl+Shift + +

3. Ctrl+Shift+#

4. Ctrl+#

Q2. Which of the following keyboard shortcuts aligns a paragraph to the right in Microsoft Word 2016?

1. Ctrl+L

2. Ctrl+S

3. Ctrl+R

4. Ctrl+F

Q3. Which of the following is the correct sequence of steps that enables you to add a watermark in Microsoft Word 2019?

1. Design > Watermark

2. Insert > Watermark

3. Layout > Watermark

4. View > Watermark

Q4. A formula in Microsoft Excel 2019 should always begin with a/an ______ sign.

1. = (equal sign)

2. & (ampersand sign)

3. # (hash sign)

4. - (minus sign)

Q5. Which of the following keyboard shortcuts enters the current time in Microsoft Excel 2016?

1. Ctrl+T

2. Ctrl+Shift+;

3. Shift+T

4. Ctrl+;

Q6. Which of the given statements is/are true?

Statement 1:
A row or column of numbers that are plotted in a chart is called a 'data series' in Microsoft Excel.

Statement 2:
An array of cells is called a 'cell address' in Microsoft Excel.

1. Only statement 1 is true

2. Neither statement 1 nor statement 2 is true

3. Only statement 2 is true

4. Both, statements 1 and 2 are true

Q7. In Microsoft Excel by default, placing a $ symbol in front of the row and column number of a cell reference makes it a/an ______ cell reference.

1. relative

2. anonymous

3. static

4. absolute

Q8. Which of the following keyboard shortcuts inserts a new slide in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016?

1. Ctrl+A

2. Ctrl+N

3. Ctrl+W

4. Ctrl+M

আরো দেখুন:

1. WBPSC Miscellaneous Maths Practice Set 1

2. WBPSC Miscellaneous Maths Practice Set 2

Q9. A/an ______ is a slide with a specified set of characteristics which is used as the beginning point for creating other slides in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016.

1. Slide Master

2. Slide sorter

3. Notes Master

4. Outline

Q10. Which of the following effects is a blend of multiple colors in Microsoft PowerPoint 2019?

1. Solid Fill

2. Auto Fill

3. Gradient Fill

4. Transparent Fill

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